Roman Catholicism

How the Protestant view of the Bible is different…

At the time of the Reformation, the differences between Protestants and Catholics were clear. Many of the critiques against the Catholic church were about aspects of their theology and practices that even modern day Catholics today would cringe at. The Catholic church of today looks different. Many of the critiques of the Reformation have been addressed over the last 500 years. Protestants of today might wonder if we are really that different. The goal of the articles below is to highlight some of the differences that still exist today and look at what the Bible has to say about them. The reality is that Protestants and Catholics are just as different as ever. While we have a shared history prior to the reformation, we have continued to drift apart. Unfortunately many people are blind to these differences and unaware of the dangers of mixing in incorrect theology and practices. Catholicism has many attractive elements and many things that are useful for the average Christian, but we need greater discernment and a greater foundation before exploring the things that may be helpful.


The Conclusion

What do we do with all of this as protestants?