How to start a relationship with Jesus…


What is the problem?

God created the world and it was good. Humans like you and me messed it up. Ever since the first two people, Adam and Eve, we all keep messing up. We call that sin. And it should be obvious to you, but the Bible reminds us that all of us have sinned. And because we have sinned, we face the punishment for our sin… death. Everyone dies. And unfortunately we are unable to save ourselves.

How does the problem get solved?

This where the good news comes in. God loved us so much that he sent his son Jesus to come to earth to die in our place and pay the penalty for our sin. Jesus was not only a man, but also completely God. He lived a perfect life and then died on the cross to deal with our sin.

What next?

The story doesn’t stop there, because three days later Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead. Jesus is now alive! All we have to do is place our faith in him. In other words we have to trust in him and trust that his sacrifice paid for our sin. Once you do this he spends his Holy Spirit to live inside of you. His Spirit is the guarantee of your salvation.

Now what?

Once you’ve placed your faith in Christ you’ve started a relationship with him. Now it’s time to get to know him more and allow him to transform your life. Get plugged into a church where you can enjoy friendship and fellowship with other believers. Spend time worshiping Jesus and praying to him. Spend time reading his Word… the Bible. Study it! Think about it! Memorize it! And most importantly apply it to your life. Are your ready to take these steps? Talk to God about it and then let me know your decision. I’d love to help you.

All of the incredible truths above are not simply made up, but come from the Bible. Take some time to look up these verses to learn more:

  • Genesis 1:1-2

  • Genesis 3

  • Romans 3:23

  • Romans 6:23

  • John 3:16

  • Romans 5:8

  • John 19-20

  • Romans 10:9-10

  • Romans 5:1-2

  • Romans 8:1