Spooky Stories

From the Bible

And they’re extra scary because they actually happened!

People love a good scare! Alfred Hitchcock described it like the thrill of being on a rollercoaster. There’s that moment of pure terror and then the laughs and sigh of relief afterward. The Bible has some stories that are absolutely chilling! It can be fun during this time of year to read through these stories, but keep in mind that these stories are not just for entertainment. They are real moments in history that reveal something about God’s story and his plan for redemption. With that said, take a look at some of these frightening tales and what they actually tell us about God and our lives.


A Ghost & a Witch

King Saul goes in secret to see the Witch of Endor and he asks her to summon the ghost of the prophet Samuel. What happens next?

An Army of Skeletons

The prophet Ezekiel watches as dry skeleton bones in a valley rise up and become an army before him! What does it mean?

WRITING on the Wall

A hand appears out of nowhere and begins to write a strange message on the wall. What does it say?