The Eucharist

The Eucharist

The body and the blood…

The Catholic View

For Catholics, communion is something very different. The word is transubstantiation. It’s a belief that the communion elements miraculously transform into the physical body and blood of Christ. If this was true then would they not be tormenting the body of Christ once again? God is omnipresent yes, but Jesus’ physical body is only in one place at a time. Jesus is at the right hand of the father at this moment in his resurrected glorified body. When it comes to his body, not a single bone was broken. It makes no sense to take his literal body and break part of it every week. For the Catholic, the Eucharist is an essential practice and sacrament in their path of justification.

The Protestant View

In communion we remember the body and blood of Jesus through bread and wine representing his sacrificial death for us. The elements are a powerful symbol and reminder of what Jesus did for us. To read more on the subject check out the article below.


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