Joseph’s Silence
If you were going to write a play based on the Christmas story you would notice that Mary would have a lot of lines, but Joseph wouldn’t have any. In fact, when you read through the gospels and look at the whole Christmas story, none of his words are written down. Joseph is completely silent. Since we can’t read his words, what can we learn from his actions?
The Virgin Birth
It was important that Christ be born of a virgin for five primary reasons. First it was a fulfillment of prophecy. Isaiah 7:14 says, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Matthew shows this being fulfilled in Matthew 1:23.
10 Ways to Keep Jesus First
It's that time of year! It's the season where everyone is making lists and checking them twice. The music changes, the decorations come out and for some reason I start to crave hot chocolate. Are you with me? All of these things are great reminders that there is something different about this season that we're in right now. We are preparing for Christmas!