The Weight Of The World

Today’s Scripture: Matthew 5:4, Psalm 22

We are often small thinkers with narrow perspectives on the world. It’s easy for us to forget who God is when our problems seem so very big.

I’ve sat across from kindergartners who’ve been devastated by the death of a goldfish, and ninth graders who are wrecked by a difficult breakup. It’s easy for us to look at those situations as adults with a certain amount of amusement because we have a little more perspective on the world. But for a child, those problems are as real and difficult as the most painful losses we might experience as an adult. There are simply times that we all feel the weight of the world on our shoulders. For some people, their circumstances result in a deep state of depression.

Jesus, on the cross, quoted Psalm 22 saying, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” While many of us have felt like we’ve carried the weight of the world, Christ himself carried the weight of our sin on the cross. It wasn’t just your sin and mine, but the sins of the entire world. We often experience depression because we have a small perspective on our circumstances, but Jesus, who had the perspective of eternity, still felt deeply abandoned and alone on the cross. Perhaps it will be comforting to you, when you feel depressed, to know that Jesus is there with you and he himself remembers what it feels like to be alone.

Reflect & Pray

Jesus endured the most depressing moment in history. He endured the cross because of the joy that was set before him (Hebrews 12:2). His mindset was focused on God’s plan to save us.

Jesus, help me to remember that you know my pain and my suffering and that you are with me. Help me have a greater perspective on my circumstances so that I press on for your glory. Thank you for your deep love that you demonstrated on the cross.