Everything In Its Place

Today’s Scripture: Matthew 5-7, Psalm 8

There’s something satisfying about putting everything in its place. Whether it’s a well organized closet, a tidy room or neat tool box, it’s always easier to find things when they are in the right place.

I remember getting away once to the mountains and when I looked up at the stars I was reminded that each of them was in its proper place. Every star was exactly where God had placed it. When David looked at the stars he said, “what is man that you are mindful of him?” David recognized something about his own place in God’s creation. The stars reminded him of how small he really was, and how big our God is.

It’s important for us as Christians to remember our place in God’s creation. Many times we can make more of ourselves than we really are and seek the praise of the people around us. Jesus, in the sermon on the mount, invites us to understand our place in his kingdom. Life in the Kingdom of God is about humility, gentleness and meekness. When we live this way, we take the spotlight off of ourselves and shine it on the Lord. We get all goofed up when we try to earn rewards on earth rather than seeking rewards in heaven.

Reflect & Pray

Remember today that He is God and you are not. If we seek to humble ourselves we will bring God glory and fulfil our purpose in his Kingdom.

Heavenly Father, help me to remember my place in creation and to live my life humbly for you and not for myself.