Believing The Best

Today’s Scripture: Matthew 5:8, 1 Corinthians 13:7

Have you ever been running late and trying hard to think about how you will explain your tardiness? It’s never really our fault is it? By contrast, when someone else is late it’s always their fault. Sound familiar?

I know I’ve been in many meetings in the morning where someone walks in late with a coffee and I’ve thought to myself, “They had time to stop for coffee? I guess that coffee was more important than this meeting.” And yet, we’ve probably all tried to squeeze in a coffee run and misjudged the length of the line. We are so quick to judge others, but seldom do we examine ourselves.

Jesus invites us to a life of love and forgiveness. He invites us to see the best in others. Our minds are often a dark place full of judgement, suspicion and pride. Scripture calls us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). I can’t wait for that renewal to be complete in heaven. In heaven we will all have perfect relationships. Never again will we look on someone else with any hint of suspicion or judgement. If we live our lives on earth like we are citizens of heaven, we will love others and view others as we view ourselves.

Reflect & Pray

Do your best, the next time you begin to judge someone else’s actions, to catch yourself. View them with the best of intentions and treat them with kindness and love.

Gracious Lord, help me to see others the way you see them. Help me to believe the best and be slow to judge.