My Defender

Today’s Scripture: Matthew 5:11-12, Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:30

Perhaps it’s one of the things that define us as Americans, but I think all of us have a bit of a rebel inside. When things don’t go our way, our first response is often to fight.

I remember when the 2020 pandemic first arrived and how many restrictions were placed on us. My first reaction was to think how unfair things were. Everything in me wanted to push back. I found myself appealing to the constitution, the scriptures and my own arguments, but I don’t know that I found myself appealing first to the Lord. In my desire to be right I set out to fight my own battles. The problem though, is that ultimate victory can’t be achieved in my own strength, but through God’s.

As Israel faced an army on one side and a sea on the other they could have decided to either try and swim or to fight the Egyptians. Both of those options would have had poor results. Instead they chose to listen to Moses who said, “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” There is no doubt that there are times when we have to fight, but oftentimes our best option is to remain silent and trust the Lord to fight for us.

Reflect & Pray

When you face persecution and when people say things about you that are not true, how will you respond? Will you want to fight back? Will you feel the need to justify yourself? Or will you stand like Jesus, silent before his accuser, trusting in God for vindication?

Lord of Hosts, I need you to go before me and fight my battles. Defend your honor, your name and your people. Help me to be silent where needed and to find the blessing in persecution.