Storms & Shipwrecks

Storms & Shipwrecks

As we draw near to the end of the book of Acts, the story of Paul just seems to intensify! At this point Paul has been arrested and is being transported when his ship encounters a terrible storm. Luke writes in Acts 27:20 that, "all hope of our being saved was at last abandoned." They were in the middle of what looked to be an impossible situation. But what the other people on the ship didn't know was that God had sent Paul an angel to remind him of God's purpose. And so with that reminder, Paul stood up and said this in Acts 27:25, "Take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told." Even in the midst of a storm (and not just a metaphorical one), Paul had great faith in God. Paul was willing to take God at his word, even though it wasn't going to be easy. Paul was still under arrest and on his way to stand before Caesar. Paul was confident that God was going to deliver him from this hard thing (the storm) so that he could go and do an even harder thing (appeal to Caesar). Paul's focus was Jesus Christ, and his hope was not in the temporary pleasures of this world, but in the unparalleled hope of eternal life. As we experience the hard things of life, let's not be surprised if things only get harder. But instead, let's keep Jesus at the center of it all and place our faith in him.

Family Discussion Questions

  1. What are some storms that you've faced recently?

  2. What does it look like to take heart and have faith in God?

  3. Why do we sometimes expect our lives to be easy?