Have you debated an atheist? 

Have you debated an atheist? 

Have you ever found yourself in a public debate with an Atheist? I found myself in one just the other day. A video I made with Biblical teaching was shared online by an atheist so that he could mock what we believe and make his points. I jumped at the opportunity to share the truth with him. It reminded me in some ways of the Apostle Paul in Acts 26 as he stood on trial before King Agrippa, the Jewish ruler. After Paul shares his testimony, he is accused of being out of his mind. The king then says to Paul, "In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?" And Paul's amazing response is, "Whether short or long, I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me this day might become such as I am—except for these chains." Paul's desire was that everyone who heard his testimony would place their faith in Jesus Christ. This is a great reminder that there are many around us who need to hear the good news of Jesus and many of them are hostile to the truth. We are called to share our testimonies so that others might hear and believe.

Family Discussion Questions

  1. Who have you shared your story with recently?

  2. Do you have people that you need to share your faith with?

  3. Are you prepared to defend what you believe?