How should we talk to God?

You may have never thought about this, but when you talk to someone you usually change the way you talk and what you talk about depending on who they are. For example, when I talk to my doctor, I focus on talking about my health and I speak very directly. When I talk to my best friend, I talk very casually and we usually catch up on the latest movies. I normally wouldn't talk to my doctor about the movies, and I usually don't ask my best friend to take my blood pressure. So this raises a question. How should we talk to God? And what should we talk to him about?

The great thing is that Jesus answered this question. Jesus taught his disciples and he teaches us how we should pray. In Matthew 6:9 Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name." In very simple terms, Jesus stated some very profound things!

We have the privilege of calling God our Father! Through faith in Jesus, we have been adopted into the family of God. We have a close and intimate relationship with the Father through Christ, and yet it is also a subordinate one. We are not equals with God. We are his children. We are to be submissive to his will and purposes for our lives.

We are also reminded to pray, "hallowed be your name." It's a reminder that God's name is sacred. He is holy and perfect and just. It's a reminder that we are lower than him and we are merely sinful people unworthy of his presence. This part of Jesus' prayer reminds us that we are to be reverent and respectful before God.

When you pray as a family...

  • This week spend some time thanking God that you have been made part of his family.

  • Share your story of how you became a Christian and entered into God's family.

  • Pray that you would have a great respect and reverence for God and his name.