The Perfect Gift
Every year I get to a point where I decide that this will be the year where I will find the perfect gift to get someone for Christmas. Just think about it! What are the things that make a gift perfect? As I was thinking about these things I started to realize how all of them are actually found in the gift of Jesus. So what makes a perfect gift? Let me suggest seven things:
It's Personal: The worst gift is one that has nothing to do with you or your interests. Jesus is the most personal gift ever! He came to Earth to take up residence in us and he knows us more intimately than we know ourselves. Jesus wants a personal relationship with you.
It's Meaningful: The best gifts go beyond the surface and have real significance to us. There is so much meaning in the gift of Jesus that we will actually spend the rest of our lives unpacking the richness of his love for us.
It's Costly: A costly gift communicates value. God loves us so much that he gave us his son. He values you so deeply that he gave up what was most precious for you. Jesus laid down his life you! That was a high price to pay.
It's Surprising: I always love a gift that is also unexpected. I never saw it coming! Guess what? The people of Israel were anxiously awaiting a Messiah, but they never expected for him to be born in a manger or to suffer and die on a cross. And they definitely didn't expect him to rise from the dead! What a surprising gift indeed!
It's Lasting: Some gifts (like those big tins of popcorn) are here today and gone tomorrow. But the best gifts last a lifetime. When you place your faith in Christ you begin a relationship that will last for eternity!
It's Wanted: We've all received something we didn't want before and been "thankful" for the gift. But we are really excited when it's something we actually want. Many people in this world desperately want something more. They just don't know where to look. Jesus is the answer!
It's Needed: Sometimes the perfect gift is one that fills a real need in our life. What some people don't know is that Jesus is what they really need to give their life purpose and meaning. Apart from Christ we can do nothing! It's only through him that we find salvation! The world desperately needs Jesus. He has given us himself as a perfect gift. Will you share the gift of Jesus with others this Christmas season?
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given
Isaiah 9:6