What do you value?

What do you value?

How we spend our time is a great indicator of what we value. When you read about the birth of the church in Acts 2, you can see exactly how they spent their time. It's clear that the church was devoted to some pretty important things. Let's take a look at what those are in Acts Chapter 2.

Worship - We see that the very first church regularly gathered together in the temple (vs. 46) and were praising God (vs. 47).

Grow - They were also devoted to learning (vs. 42). They would have studied the scriptures and learned about Jesus from the disciples.

Connect - We read that the church spent time together in fellowship, sharing meals and praying for one another (vs. 42).

Serve - The passage also tells us that they had everything in common (vs. 44-45). They served one another, making sure that everyone's needs were met.

Reach - The church found favor with the people around them and God was daily adding new believers to the church (vs. 47).

Family Discussion

Are you regularly attending a church with the same values?

What are some values you hold onto as a family?

Where do the values of the early church show up in your own life?