The Mighty Works of God

The Mighty Works of God

When you think about the day of Pentecost you probably think about the moment when the Holy Spirit filled the disciples and they began to speak in tongues. This truly was an amazing moment in the history of the church! But it's easy to focus on what was happening in the moment and loose sight of the purpose that it was fulfilling. The disciples were empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues, but not merely to speak in tongues. The important thing was not how they were speaking but what they were speaking. The Spirit helped them overcome a language barrier so that that they could deliver a message to all of the people. What was that message?

The answer is in Acts 2:11...

"we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God."

The purpose of the Spirit's work here was to empower the disciples to communicate what God had done. Whenever we read about a miracle in the Bible we should stop and ask what it teaches us about God and what it accomplishes in God's plan. In this case, God wanted everyone in the world to be able to hear about his mighty works. What was his greatest work? Jesus died and rose again. The disciples were telling about the salvation that God was providing to the world through his son. Our focus, as followers of Jesus today, should also be telling others about Jesus and the mighty works of God.

Family Discussion

What are some of the mighty works that God has done in your family?

Have you ever had to overcome a language barrier to share the gospel?

Read Luke 12:8-12. Why is it important to rely on God when sharing the gospel?