Does everyone pray to the same God?

In 2016, research showed that 73% of Americans identified themselves as Christians and that nine out of ten Americans believe in God. But we need to ask a question: Do Americans all believe in the same God? A popular idea in our culture is that “all people pray to the same god or spirit, no matter what name they use for that god.” But is that true? Are we all talking about the same God?

The Bible presents us with the truth about who God is. In the Bible we learn about God’s nature, his actions in history, and how we can have a relationship with him. If someone believes in a “god” who doesn’t sound like the God we find in the Bible, then their belief isn’t in the one true God at all.

Imagine that you are talking with someone and find out that you have a mutual friend name Sam from Long Island. As you talk about Sam you ask how he’s doing at the new restaurant. The other person looks confused. Pretty soon you realize that they are talking about Sam who cuts hair and not Sam who works at the restaurant. In that moment you would realize that you were talking about two different people. It’s the same way with God. If another religion depicts God in a way that doesn’t line up with the Bible, then their religion is centered around a false god.

Is the God of Christianity the same as Allah in Islam? No. Is the God of Christianity the same as the god of modern day Judaism? No. Why not? The answer is very simple. God has a name and his name is Jesus. Hebrews 1:2 tell us that, “in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” Jesus is clearly identified over and over again as God. Any worldview that does not view Jesus as God is simply not true.

Here are some passages to spend time in as a family this week: Philippians 2:5–11, 
Romans 10:9, John 8:58, Isaiah 9:6 and John 1:1.