What is a worldview?

What is a worldview? Simply put, it’s the way we look at the world. It’s the lens we use to interpret what’s happening all around us. As Christians, our lens is the Word of God. The Bible has something to say about every aspect of life.

So how many students have a completely Biblical Worldview ? Well, according to a recent study we did, only about 31%. There are a lot of ideas being thrown at us every day via social media, entertainment and the culture around us. But on my site I am dedicated to teaching the truth of the Bible. Each week I will share with you one key Biblical principal that impacts how we view the world. My hope and prayer is that these posts will be a great tool for you to enter into some meaningful conversations.

Philippians 3:18-19 tells us that there are many who walk as enemies of the cross of Christ because they have set their minds on earthly things. Let’s set our minds on the things of God and spend time in his Word. By reading the truth of scripture we will be able to see everything from a Biblical perspective.