One Truth

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say, “What’s true for you is not what’s true for me.” This statement perfectly depicts the most influential worldview that our students are facing today… postmodernism. Postmodern philosophy teaches that truth is relative and there are no moral absolutes.

From that perspective everyone’s ideas are equally valid and equally true. But we know that’s not the case. I can’t look at a red light and decide that it’s actually blue and that blue means go. If I do that, I’m just going to cause a lot of accidents. And that’s exactly what we are seeing in our culture today. People’s lives are being wrecked because they’ve gotten away from the truth.

There can only be one truth… and we find it in the Word of God. Jesus, as he prayed to the Father in John 17:17 said, “your word is truth.” God’s Word is true and the source of all truth. Scripture is the only place where we will read the truth about the origin of the universe, the sanctity of life and the way to salvation.

In a culture that tells students to “find the truth within,” we need to point them instead to the Word of God. In Colossians 2:8 Paul wrote, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition.” Too many students have been taken captive and they are unaware. So let’s equip you child with the belt of truth and ask them this question: Are all beliefs equally valid and true for those who believe them? Then spend some times looking at the scriptures together.

Here’s some good starting points… John 3:10-21, John 8:31-38, John 14:1-14, Romans 1:18-23, and 2 Timothy 14-19.