Everything Made Right

Read Esther 7

The moment has finally come for Esther to make her request to the king. She reveals Haman's plot and Haman is executed on the very gallows he built to hang Mordecai. It's not only the ultimate irony of the story, but it's also the moment where everything is made right. The story has a real sense of justice. Not all stories have a happy endings like this one, but the story we're living in does. The story of history belongs to God and we have the privilege of knowing how it will end in the book of Revelation. What we sometimes forget is that we're not to the end of the story yet. A day is coming when all things will be made right and God will wipe away every tear, but that day has not yet arrived. In this class we will encounter many things which are hard to take in. We might end up feeling defeated and having a lot of questions for God. Why does God allow pain and suffering in this world? Why can't we fix this problem or that problem? Why is there so much injustice in other countries? Why do we have so much when others have so little? Why? There's nothing wrong with asking these questions. They are a natural response to the problems of this world. We just have to recognize that the problems of this world are temporary. Things haven't been made right yet because we're not to the end of the story. We have to trust in the Author, and that in the end everything will work out for His glory.