Irony & Justice

Read Esther 6

This has to be one of the best ironies in the whole story so far. Right before Haman tells the king about the gallows built for Mordecai the king decides to honor Mordecai. Haman is forced to honor the man that he is planning on executing! The funniest thing in the story is of course that Haman thought the king was going to honor him so he gave all kinds of great ideas for how to honor him. It's kinda like that moment when someone waves and you wave back, only to realize they weren't waving at you. Aside from the fact that Haman is the "bad guy" in the story, you do feel a little bad for him here. Okay maybe not... It's pretty funny. Haman was so full of pride that he just assumed he was doing such a good job that the king would want to honor him. Often times we hope to be recognized for the work we do. It's great to give honor where honor is due, but we should never be seeking it out. In our class this year I hope that we can do our best to honor each other's accomplishments, but we should always serve with a pure heart and a heavenly mindset. Let's do our best to remember that the work we do, we do for God. Ultimately we have an audience of one. Our responsibility is to wait patiently for the day that he will reward us.