Passion for People

Read Esther 8

The first thing I notice about Esther is that she has a passion for people! There's a lot we can learn about cultivating a passion for people in 1 Thessalonians. If you would like to do further study on that topic you can read a summary of a message on that topic here. What I love most about Esther here is that we see her pleading and weeping over the lives of her people. How much do we do that? We have been granted the privilege of bowing before the throne of the King of Kings! How often do we approach him to plead for the lives of others? We can never underestimate the power of prayer. We serve a mighty king who is able to do abundantly more than we ask. My hope and prayer is that you would take some time daily to pray for the people in your life. One of the things that will be absolutely critical to your success this year is prayer. Take some time right now to pray for the people in your life.