Speaking and Listening

Read Esther 5

I have a feeling that if Esther had decided to walk up to the king and tell him her concerns immediately, that it probably wouldn't have gone well. As you already know, timing is everything! Let's admit it, you've probably wanted something from your parents before but decided to wait until the right moment to ask them. Maybe it was after you did the dishes and took out the trash... haha. But we understand that there is an appropriate time and place and method for making our requests known. As we go through this school year there might be times when you need to talk with someone on the team about something going on. Maybe you will need to confront them on sin in their life. Maybe you will need to share some news with our class. Whatever the occasion is, there may be moments when you have something to share and you need to find the best time to do that. As humans, sometimes our nature is to just say everything we think at the moment we think it. I want to encourage you to take time to think through the things you need to say and to find the appropriate moment to say them. A great skill in leadership is knowing the right time and place to speak. There might be awkward moments that happen in class and sometimes we have to just move on and address it at another time. We will have to do our best to determine when to speak and when to listen. Esther new that her moment was coming but that it wasn't time yet. In the meantime our villain decided to construct some gallows... Perhaps there was an even greater purpose for Esther's delay. We shall see as the story unfolds.