We’ve Been Appointed

Read Ephesians 5:17-6:9

God wants us to be wise and not foolish. He wants us to understand his will. Often times we ask the question, “What is God’s will for my life?” One of the things we know for sure is that it is God’s will for you to look more and more like his Son each day. Paul gives us a practical tool in this passage and some examples. The key word here is submission. We are called as Christians to submit to one another in love. Jesus set the ultimate example of submission when he said, “not my will but yours.” Jesus submitted to God’s will because he knew the task that God had appointed him to. Paul proceeds to give several examples of different types of relationships where people can practice submission. It may be hard to relate to all of the examples he gives, but what are the places in your life where you could be a better servant? How do you do when it comes to submitting to authority? Perhaps you don’t mind listening to a teacher, but it’s harder to always submit to your parents. Try not to think of submission as just something you “have to do” but rather something that will help you grow. If you feel like you are suffering then you can rejoice because you are getting to experience what Jesus himself experienced. When you are faithful in submission to authority it reflects well on your character and builds your Christian testimony. This week be extra mindful of how you can serve and love your parents. Show them honor by going above and beyond the things they ask. Most of all submit to God our Heavenly Father who provides for our every need.