We’ve Been Challenged

Read Ephesians 5:1-16

In light of all that is happening in our culture it is more important than ever that we learn what it means for us to “walk as children of the light.” Today I want to give you five things from this passage that will help you learn how to walk like Jesus.

  1. Walk in Love (Ephesians 5:2)
    Our first and primary role is to love one another. The love of Christ is not superficial, but sacrificial. It’s love in action. We can talk about how we love people, but if we never show it then how will they know? We are called to show love to our enemies and people who think differently from us.

  2. Walk in Purity (Ephesians 5:3)
    Some translations say here that there should not even be a hint of sexual immorality in our lives. In our culture this is an intense battle. We can’t change people outside of the church. Our role is to set an example of purity in our own lives. The term Paul uses for sexual immorality here covers every type from lust to adultery to homosexuality.

  3. Walk in Truth (Ephesians 5:6)
    Paul says not to let anyone deceive you with empty words. There are a lot of people in our culture trying to deceive us into thinking that certain forms of sexual immorality are acceptable. Most of their arguments are hollow and deceptive. The Bible is our only true source of knowledge. Anyone who argues based on their feelings or science or logic starts from somewhere other than the Bible. Our beliefs have to be rooted in God’s word.

  4. Walk in Boldness (Ephesians 5:11)
    Because we have been given the truth we have a responsibility to share it. Paul tells us to expose the works of darkness. It’s a lot easier to simply ignore evil or not talk about sin. God wants us to be bold. We’re supposed to be different and set apart as God’s people.

  5. Walk in Wisdom (Ephesians 5:15)
    There are moments to show love and moments to be bold, but we have to be wise about the time and place. It might not be the best use of our time to try and be bold on social media and type out long arguments that get nowhere. It might be better to speak with someone in person and boldly share the truth in love. For us to walk as children of the light we have to be mindful of the best way to do that. Sometimes we get excited and jump into something before the right moment. There are things that we can do, but wisdom is knowing if we should do them.