We’ve Been Equipped

Read Ephesians 6:10-24

In this passage we learn something interesting about the source of our strength and the strategy of our enemy. First we are told to put on the armor of God. For many of us who grew up in Sunday School the whole idea of the armor of God might sound too familiar or even childish. The reality is that we are in a real battle every day. This idea cannot be taken lightly! The first time my brother played football I remember checking over all of his pads and equipment and thinking, “Wow! You can really take beating in this and still be okay.” Armor does that. It protects you against things that would normally overpower you. It’s so important for us to put on our spiritual armor every day! We also learn that our enemy is a schemer. He never sleeps. He plans meticulously and strategizes to find the best ways to deceive us. His mind is bent on our failure and destruction. Satan and his forces are a formidable army. The only way we will be able to resist all of the temptations that come our way is by being prepared with the armor God has given us. Make a conscious decision each day this week to put on this armor. The best way to suit up for battle is to pray and spend time in God’s word. Continue to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly and you will be prepared for the battles before you.