No Other Name

In Isaiah 44:6 God said, "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god." There is no other god... period. Yet all around us are people who have put their faith in other gods. Some people follow the gods of false religions. Others make up their own gods. The world is full of " philosophy and empty deceit" as Paul puts it in Colossians 2:8. In other words, the world around us presents a lot of "paths to salvation" for people to choose from. There's just one problem... there is no other god.

There is only one true God and he has revealed himself to us in the person of Jesus. Peter in Acts 4:12 said that there is, " no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." It is through Jesus that we are saved. Buddha can't save you. Muhammad can't save you. No animal sacrifice, good deed, or path to enlightenment can save you. It is only through Jesus and his sacrificial death and resurrection that we can have life. We've been given an incredible gift in salvation! Let's be intentional in sharing Jesus with others this week!

Family Discussion

Who do you know that's following after their own god?

Why do you think God made Jesus the only way to find salvation?

What are some challenges you might face when talking with others about Jesus being the only way?