Is someone born gay?

Is someone born gay?

Is someone born gay? That's the wrong question. The question we should be asking is this: Does the state of your birth provide justification for your actions? It seems pretty obvious that the answer is no. If someone was born with a genetic predisposition that made them a compulsive liar, we would not say that lying is suddenly acceptable. That's because right and wrong are not subjective. Right and wrong have been determined by a holy and righteous God.

What is right and wrong?

In 1 Timothy 1:9 we read that, "the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient." God gave us the law to show us right from wrong and to let us know that we have all broken the law. All of us have sinned. In fact, all of us were born with an orientation towards sin. Paul goes on to list out some of the sins that the law forbids. That list, found in verses 9-10, includes homosexuality. Many people today are trying to twist the words of scripture to make it acceptable, but it is clearly listed among many other acts as sinful. Paul reminds Timothy in the chapter to hold on to sound doctrine because many were teaching something else.

What is sound doctrine?

Paul tells Timothy that there are many who have a desire to teach, but lack understanding. Sound doctrine is arrived at through understanding. We seek the whole council of God's Word and make sure that what we say lines up with scripture. Paul says that in his sin he was ignorant. He previously lacked understanding. Many people, in their desire to "accept" the gay community have taught that homosexuality is okay. Those people lack an understanding of the scriptures and are not teaching sound doctrine. Paul recognized that homosexuality was a sin. Paul also recognized that he himself was a sinner. He actually calls himself the worst sinner! But the good news is that Christ came to save sinners.

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.

1 Timothy 1:15

Family Discussion

How is the question at beginning of this email a more helpful question?

Why do you think people want to define right and wrong for themselves?

How often do you think about the fact that Jesus came to save you from your sin?