A Picture of Discipleship

I like to define discipleship as helping people take the next step in following Jesus. How do we help others to take that next step? Let's look at the example of Philip in Acts 8:26-40 to learn some helpful tips. What did Philip demonstrate?

  1. Obedience to God: Before we can help others we need to make sure that we are following God and setting an example. Philip listened to God and went where the angel directed him. God has revealed many things about his will to us in his word.

  2. Eyes for Others: When Philip was walking, he went with purpose. He was looking around to see the needs of others. He saw the Ethiopian man and knew he needed to stop and talk with him.

  3. Sensitivity to the Spirit: When the Spirit told him to go to the Ethiopian man, the passage says that he ran! Philip was excited to go where God was sending him.

  4. Enthusiasm for Jesus: Once Philip was with the man, he told him all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This moment was life changing for this man!

  5. Knowledge of the Bible: It's obvious when you read the story that Philip was prepared to share about Jesus because he knew that the scriptures are all about him. We should be able to talk about any passage in the Bible and connect it to Jesus.

Family Discussion

  1. Which one of these five areas do you want to improve in your life?

  2. Who is someone you can help take the next steps in following Jesus?

  3. Who were some of the people who were like a Philip in your life?