Behold the Lamb

Main Passage: Mark 1:1-20



Memory Verse

Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him.

Mark 1:17-18



The book of Mark is action packed with amazing stories about Jesus. In the devotions that follow we are going to begin a journey through the book of Mark the invites us to see Jesus for who he really is. Our story begins with an amazing moment at Jesus’ baptism where he get to hear God’s encouraging words. God was pleased with Jesus before he did anything, simply because Jesus was his son. If you are a child of God, then when God looks at you he is pleased with who you are! Jesus goes from his baptism and is tempted by Satan in the desert. One of the ways that we can overcome temptation is to focus on our identity in Christ. When I was a child and my parents would drop me off for a birthday party, they would always remind me that I represented our family at that party. I had to behave because I represented my parents. When we are tempted we can overcome temptation by focusing on God and remembering that we are his children. Our lives should reflect the fact that we belong to God.


Questions to Ponder

  • When Jesus came up out of the water he heard God’s affirmation. When God looks at you what do you think he says about you?

  • Jesus was immediately led into the wilderness to be tempted. Why do you think that was the first he had to deal with in his ministry?

  • When do you find yourself most vulnerable to temptation?

  • What was it about Jesus that made the disciples leave everything behind to follow Jesus?

  • Is there anything in your life that you feel you need to leave behind to be a better follower?