Behold the Holy One

Main Passage: Mark 1:21-2:12



Memory Verse

They were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.

Mark 1:22



Imagine what it must have been like to be with Jesus and hear him teach. It was one thing to have a rabi give their best understanding of scripture, but here was Jesus, the author of scripture, telling the people exactly what it meant. The best person to explain scripture is the person who wrote it. He was gaining popularity because of all the work he was doing. Even the demons knew who Jesus was and called him the Holy One of God. Jesus demonstrated his authority by casting out demons, giving powerful teachings and also by performing miracles. When Jesus heals the man with leprosy he tells him not to tell anyone, but he can’t help it. When people experience the power of Jesus they usually can’t stop talking about how amazing Jesus is. Even though it’s usually a good thing to share about Jesus, in this case Jesus told the man not to say anything. Because the man didn’t listen to Jesus it prevented Jesus from doing more work in the towns. Sometimes our disobedience means that we interfere with the things that Jesus wants to do. One example would be the fact that Jesus wants your life to be a living testimony about him. When we sin or cause others to stumble we misrepresent him. You have to be obedient to Christ to be used by him effectively.


Questions to Ponder

  • How well do you understand scripture? Do you seek help in understanding it?

  • Have you been sharing with others what Jesus has done for you?

  • Do you ever disobey Jesus in a way that hinders his work?

  • Are there things that Jesus wants you to stop doing or start doing?