The Overwhelming Word

In Ezekiel 3:15 we read about a priest who is completely overwhelmed by an experience he just had. You can imagine him being totally stunned and speechless. For an entire week he sat among exiles by a canal. This priest’s name was Ezekiel. Why was he overwhelmed? What was it he had experienced? Ezekiel had just seen the glory of the Lord. He saw the brilliance and the majesty of the very presence of God! His response was to fall on his face. And God had said to him, “Son of man, I send you!” Ezekiel the priest was now appointed to be a prophet of God. He was commissioned to communicate the very words of God. In verse ten we read that the Lord told him, “All my words that I shall speak to you receive in your heart, and hear with your ears.” What a great picture for us of what it looks like when we read the scriptures! When we open our Bibles we have the opportunity to meet with God, to behold his glory, and to be stunned by his presence. And like Ezekiel, God sends invites us to receive his word in our heart, to let it penetrate our very core and move us. God invites us to hear from him what it is that he wants us to say and do. And in the same way, God has placed us in the world to not only live out his word, but also to share it with others. While this too might sound overwhelming, God empowers us by his own Spirit so that we might serve him in his strength. So today, as you read this and consider these words, may God move you to action to share a scripture with someone who needs it.

But if you warn the righteous person not to sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he took warning, and you will have delivered your soul.
Ezekiel 3:21(ESV)