Demonic Possession

The existence of angels and demons is clearly seen throughout the text of scripture. Both angels and demons interacted with people in historical narratives. Jesus gave his disciples the authority to cast demons out (Matt 10:1), and we see examples later of his followers doing the same (Acts 5:16). Paul speaks in 1 Timothy 4:1 of a later date when, “some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.” This would indicate that there is still a future point in time when demons are present and at work. It seems to follow that there would be no reason to assume that demons are not present and at work today. Both angels and demons are still present and working. It is possible therefore for a person today to be possessed by a demon. 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us that believers’ bodies are now the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is therefore impossible for a believer to have an unclean spirit within them. An unclean spirit can only be cast out of an unbeliever by praying to Jesus. It is the power of Jesus Christ that can command the spirit to come out.