The Unknown God

I was recently in Asia and there were several instances when I saw people bringing sacrifices and incense to lay before their idols. When I saw that I could not help but think of Paul in Athens as he looked on the idols of that city. When you see people worshiping false gods right before your eyes you can't help but feeling heartbroken for them. Paul saw that the people were very religious, but they were worshiping objects of human imagination. They were so used to their own creations that when Paul told them of the Creator of everything, it was strange to their ears. Paul reasoned with the people and called them to repentance. He saw an inscription to an unknown god, and he uses that as an opportunity to make God known. He told them about Jesus and the resurrection, but for some this was too much. Some of the people believed, but others just mocked.

When you think about it, it seems ridiculous that someone would mock the one true God and worship something that they made with their own hands. But that is the truth about the human condition. In our sinfulness we rebel against God. We don't want to repent, because that would mean living under the authority of someone greater than us. It's much easier to invent our own gods and live by our own rules. When we live that way, we are no different from the people of Athens. In our part of the world, there aren't very many people worshiping idols like I saw in Asia, but the truth is that there are idols all around us calling for our attention. Make no bones about it; our idols are inventions of human imagination as well. Be on the lookout for the idols around you and be prepared to reason with others.

For many people stuck in idolatry, the true God is simply unknown. But they themselves are known by Him! Their ignorance of God does not diminish the fact that he knows the number of hairs on their head. Our responsibility is to declare the name of Jesus so that others might come to know him. Some people might mock you, but others will believe. I hope that's a risk you're willing to take!

Family Discussion

  1. What are some of the idols you see competing for the attention of young people? What idols are targeting adults?

  2. What idols do you struggle with in your own life?

  3. Why do you think there are still people in the world that worship physical idols? How might you reason with them?