All That Jesus Began To Do

All That Jesus Began To Do

This year we are going through the book of Acts in chapel. In the opening of the book of Acts, Luke makes a reference to his first book (the Gospel of Luke) and says that in it he "dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach." I find one word in the phrase both interesting and exciting. It's the word "began." The Gospel of Luke is about what Jesus began! The implication is that the book of Acts is about what Jesus then continued to do through his followers. The amazing thing is that we are his followers too. We are part of the same church! That means that Jesus isn't finished. He wants to work through us while we are here on earth. Our role is simply to surrender and be used by him. How do we do that? It's simple really. Let's follow the example given in the Bible. First, we should spend time in the Word of God. We should read it, study it and memorize it. Let's make a commitment to know what it says. But we shouldn't stop there. Let's also do what it says.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

James 1:22

By knowing and living out the scriptures, we make ourselves useful and God is able to work through us. I look forward to seeing all that Jesus continues to do through the families of Big Valley Christian School this year!

Family Discussion

What things did Jesus begin in the Gospels? What did he finish?

How have you seen God work in your life recently?

What are some ways that you hope to be used by him this year?