When Persecution Comes

Read Esther 3

Mordecai, like many other people in scripture lived his life faithfully observing the laws of God. It was important to him that he honored and worshiped God alone. This simple principal set him apart from everyone else. It's a reminder that the people of God are called to be set apart and be different from the rest of the world. When people look at your actions would they know that you are different? How much do you just blend in with the rest of our culture? There is always a fine line between being "all things to be all people" and being "one of the people." We have been called to be "in the world, but not of the world." How do we do this? How do we go into a culture in a way that we earn the respect of the people we want to reach while maintaining our Christian values? Where should we look different and where should we blend in? Esther, at first was able to blend in with the Persians and get herself into a position of influence. But here we have Mordecai who sticks out like a sore thumb. Each of us must consider how we can do both. The result that we should always expect is the same... persecution. Because of Mordecai's faithfulness to God, his life was now in danger. How much persecution have you faced in your life? How aware are you of Christians being persecuted around the world right now? How do you think Christians in America would react if major life-threatening persecution began here? Well the plot is now set. Haman is ready to wipe out the Jewish people. Who will come to their aid? Who will rescue them? The story continues next week.