We've Been Sent

The best part of any mystery story is when the mystery has been solved. Sometimes you’re able to figure it out before the detective, but the best mysteries are the ones containing a twist you don’t see coming. God has revealed to us a great mystery that no one saw coming! In fact it was the biggest plot twist in history. In our sin we were objects of God’s wrath. Who knew that God’s plan was to send his son. Even after God sent Jesus, the Jews still thought that only they were God’s people. The great mystery was that God sent Jesus for all people, both Jews and Gentiles. The gospel message is for everyone! As people who have been chosen by God and purchased by his blood, our responsibility is to preach the gospel. Evangelism is something that sounds really scary. How should I go about sharing the gospel with people? The great thing about the gospel is that it is personal. When I share the good news with others I can start with how the gospel impacted me. Jesus died for me and I’m able to tell the story of how I came to know that and what difference it made in my life. I hard for us to truly comprehend the magnitude of God’s love for us. All we can do is try our best to communicate that to others. Paul’s prayer for believers is that they would understand how great God’s love for them is. When catch even a glimpse of God’s love it should cause us to want to tell others. How have you experienced God’s love recently? Who have you shared the gospel with?

Spend some time reading Ephesians Chapter 3!